Meet SuperPlay⚡️ Founded in 2019 by gaming industry veterans from Playtika, Rovio, PlayStudios and the film industry, we set out to create a billion-dollar company that delivers world-class, delightful games and has fun making them. We gathered a core team and soft-launched our first title, Dice Dreams, within 6 months.
1 серпня 2024

Senior Unity Developer (Only Poland) (вакансія неактивна)

Poland, віддалено

Who are we?

Come and join a rapidly expanding mobile games company!

SuperPlay is committed to developing the finest mobile games in the world while having an enjoyable time doing so. In 2019, the company was founded by experienced professionals from Playtika and Rovio with the goal of producing casual games that are delightful and unforgettable, and that players can enjoy for years.

Our flagship game, Dice Dreams, is a global sensation and a top-100-grossing hit, while our upcoming game, Domino Dreams, is on track to follow in its footsteps.

Headquarters are in Tel Aviv, and our staff has expanded to include numerous skilled, devoted, and ambitious individuals.

Our plans are even more fascinating. If you’d like to be a part of our journey, please look at the job description below!

What will you do in SuperPlay?

As part of this position you will have a real and meaningful impact on the main company product;

  • implement game functionality as per communicated design;
  • translate design specifications into the functional game;
  • communicate with other team members to establish an effective pipeline and integrate media assets;
  • design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code;
  • ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications;
  • identify bottlenecks and bugs, and devise solutions to address and mitigate these problems;
  • help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization.


  • excellent knowledge of Unity, including experience with scripting, textures, animation, GUI styles, and user session management;
  • familiarity with level design and planning;
  • experience with game physics and particle systems;
  • experience with mobile and console game development;
  • experience optimizing memory and space usage for support of older hardware;
  • experience with 3D is a plus;
  • prior experience with a well-known mobile title or AAA title is a significant asset;
  • ability to constantly learn and stay in touch with evolving game standards and development technologies;
  • strong understanding of object-oriented programming;
  • familiarity with current design and architectural patterns;
  • a knack for writing clean, readable, and easily maintainable code;
  • experience implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests;
  • proficient knowledge of code versioning tools (such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial).

Benefits for our SuperPlayers

  • Working in the fastest-growing product company with a competitive salary and regular performance/salary reviews
  • Versatile options for Career growth
  • Education and focal courses for Professional growth
  • Opportunity to influence and make a real impact on the company’s main product
  • Paid vacation days and sick leave
  • Comfortable and modern office located in the historical center of Kyiv
  • Medical insurance & Sport Subscription
  • Regular and the best happy hours and team buildings